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Project Management Training

Project Management Training

AlbaSim is a research group at the School of Business and Engineering, in Vaud, Switzerland. It specializes in using simulation tools for learning.

Infocareer™ has partnered with AlbaSim to make project management simulation softwares accessible to project manager aspirants and simplify the learning process.

The Process

Participants take on the role of a project manager and execute a full project using the simulation by AlbaSim. They can manage all the phases of the virtual project from project inception to project closure.

The process designed helps participants with integrated learning, identifying team strengths and role-play using a simulation tool. Throughout the project’s lifecycle, execution is monitored for smooth process implementation and its adherence to the scheduled outcome. Cost controls, quality of processes & decisions, user satisfaction and management satisfaction with the process is also covered.

The simulation presents the participant with a scenario of what needs to be executed as part of the project. The participant uses the scenario to take the project through the complete cycle of initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, control and project closure.

Participants test their skills in various areas including:

Manager Dashboard

Individual Project Dashboard

Task Status

Gantt Chart

Resource View

Gantt Chart